Updated List of WWE Drug Offenders

From: LordsofPain.netIf you're wondering about the names of the 30+ WWE suspensions, here is an updated list of the history of the program's drug offenders (at least that became public…

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Tidbit on Batista’s Move to RAW

source: www.prowrestling.NET It was initially assumed that Batista knew he was being moved over to Raw ahead of time, but the buzz backstage is that he actually wasn't aware. Nonetheless,…

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How Does the WWE Pecking Order Stand?

source: Wrestling Observer NewsletterInternally, WWE officials have a pecking order list regarding the top five stars in the company. In no particular order, Triple H, Undertaker and John Cena are…

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MAJOR Spoiler for Monday Night’s Draft

From: PWPIX.netIt definitely looks like John Cena is heading over to SmackDown during this Monday's live draft show.One reader works at a metal etching factory based our of Ohio. He…

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