Tonight’s Smack Down turned into a personal revenge fest courtesy of Vickie Guerrero and her extended family. Any one who had any complaints, or crossed their paths in a wrong way found them self being placed in matches to punish their transgressions. This revenge plot wasted no time as MVP was the first victim for his opening comment on how he was carrying the Smack Down roster. These comments would find him in a match with Kane. The match was good except for the lame ending, but before we get to that I want to discuss what this match did for MVP. This only solidified in my opinion he is now one of the top performers in the WWE. Last year at Mania I could not stand him and felt he would go nowhere. But right now I see him competing for one of the major heavy weight belts by next year. Yes Kane is not that big of a draw anymore, but he is still one of the most solid performers in the WWE and MVP held his own. With the draft looming he may get his new push off of Smack Down. I have a funny feeling he will end up in ECW due to his Teddy Long ties. Granted that may seem like career suicide, but I think they may have a big influx of talent to make ECW better with the draft. I could be wrong and may still be clinging to the sad opinion they will try to upgrade the ECW product. But whatever happens look for MVP to be in some major programs to close out this year.
Now onto the ending. First the count out was lame as they have used this plot device several times for MVP. Yes we all know he is a conniving bastard, but to keep having walk out on matches makes him look more cowardly than jerk. Second, as if regular readers are not tired of me saying this already, enough of Mark Henry, who by the way came to ring side to attack Kane. Please WWE get it in your heads this guy blows mega chunks. Why must you keep trying find a plot to make this guy a big star in this program. I was looking forward to a feud of Big Show and Kane. As I stated above Kane is still a good performer and rewarding him with the ECW title is great recognition for this. The Big Show before he left the WWE was giving some of his best matches in my opinion. Now with the loss of weight I feel there is so much more to get out of him. Just look at his match against Mayweather. He turned what could have been one of the largest duds in the history of Mania, into one of the highlights of that night and one of the best cross promotion matches with a celebrity ever. So lets muck up a great pairing of two fantastic big men by throwing in the second biggest stiff on the roster with them. (For those of you who don’t know who number one is, it would be Khali). I’m not going to say much more other than watch as this disaster unfolds and only makes ECW even worse.
Another revenge match saw Bam Neely take on Matt Hardy in order to soften him up for the match with Chavo at the Night of Champions. This was Neely’s first solo action and really there was not much to talk about. He looked like every other big brawler on the roster right now. If he does not develop some type of persona or gimmick her can get in line with Snitsky, Kozlov, Mike Knox, Chuck Palumbo and Mark Henry as nobodies on the roster just waiting to get released. These type of wrestlers really need a personality as their matches can be dull at times due to the lack of very athletic offensive moves. If I want to see guys exchanging big blows via the fist I’ll watch boxing or MMA events. In wrestling you have to be a bit larger than life and develop some type of character. Only look to the Undertaker to see a big guy really work on his in and out of ring persona to stay fresh and loved by the fans.
That match would lead to referee Charles Robinson taking on the Great Khali due to Robinson throwing Chavo out from ring side. Vickie stated this was favoritism and used other instances that were against the family to call Robinson;s integrity into question. Of course the match ended with Khali using his vice grip to incompacitiate Robinson. Not much else to say fro this match other than it still gives Khali air time as his days as a top draw have come to a close.
The main event featured Chavo up against Batista in another match designed to weaken an opponent for the up coming pay per view. On paper this match would look like an easy Batista win, but not with Edge as ref. The match ended with a fast count out of Batista, who in turn went into a fit of rage and tried to take out Edge. The family saw to it that this would not happen and it was Batista who was beaten down by them and eventually speared by Edge, thus adding big time heat for next weeks title match.
The match between Finlay and the Miz proved why the Hornswoogle angle is terrible. The match was very good without all the antics brought by the little guy. Miz and Morrison are young and up in coming talents who, while still learning the trade, bring plenty of excitement to the ring. We all know Finlay will show up each night and give you your money’s worth, so why throw a useless element like Hornswoogle into the mix only to make a mockery of the wrestling ring. There are plenty of mid card guys who could have teamed with Finlay who would given ten times the better match than what we will see at Night of Champions. But as always the WWE loves its odd couple tag teams, so look for the Irish duo to walk away with the belts.
Other action saw Kozlov stay undefeated by taking out Jamie Noble this week. We also saw the further demise of Deuce and Domino as they lost again to Jessie and Festus. This match featured a brawl before it by the 50s greasers and than Deuce taking out Domino after the match. Michell McCool made her pitch tonight to be in the first match for the Divas belt with solid win over Layla. Though let me say Layla is doing pretty good for herself in the ring and may very well take over the queen bitch diva role that Melina is vacating as Melina now is turning face.