Jim Ross is back with another blog and Q&A update over at jrsbarbq.com. Here are some of the highlights:
– Ross on WWE’s Legends of WrestleMania: Yours truly worked several hours Friday night on the upcoming THQ produced video game featuring amny of the greatest the legends ever of the WWE. I presented the THQ rep a J.R.’s BBQ truckers cap, our $9.99 red neck special which is available here in our store, and he was most appreciative. Hey, some folks collect caps, what can I say? The creative on this game is being kept under wraps as it relates to all the amazing stars that will be featured. Nontheless creative fans will be able to book some of the greatest, dream matches ever. We are slated to do two more days of voice overs next week. To tell you that I am simply having a blast doing audio bytes for these guys would be a major understatement. This is the game that will likely encourage me to get video game friendly.
– Ross on WWE and Politics: Interesting note that several WWE wrestlers are attending the upcoming Democratic and Republican National Conventions. It’s good that some wrestlers want to see the political process of selecting our Presidential candidates and not just do a drive by for a photo op even though there will be plenty of those. I’m not sure whos going where but I do know that Batista and President Bill Clinton would have a helluva time together considering they are both socially inclined. We dont’ do many politics on this site but I will tell you that Ihaven’t decided who I am going to vote for come November. Professional politicians who can’t even balance our country’s check book and who govern only to be re-elected and not to better our country have used up all their “passes” with me.
– Ross on Shelton Benjamin and Jeff Hardy: Really nice, old school match on Friday Night Smackdown between Finlay and Shelton Benjamin. Both men wrestled aggressively and in a bad mood. I loved the physicality. It seems as if Benjamin is starting to come into his own. Amazing athletic gifts like Shelton’s should be taken advantage of by the bearer. I like what I have been seeing lately from the amateur standout from the University of Minnesota. Whin in college, Shelton was a regular workout partner with Brock Lesnar after Bejamin used up his eligibility for the Gophers. I’ve heard that some of their wrestling room workouts were special to watch. Shelton would seem to have the skills to have been a superior MMA competitor if he had chosen that route. Shelton has told me many times that people can’t fully comprehend just how fast Lesnar is not to mention that his strength is freakish.
– Jim Ross on Takeshi Morishima in WWE: I haven’t heard a word about how well his matches went. I watched his match in Moline and it was o.k. Not bad, not great. It looks like Morishima might want to focus on his athletic conditioning and hit the gym more frequently. I am not being negative here only realistic. Morishima has “something” that seems like it might be worth exploring. I like his timing and there is no doubt potential with this young man.
Labels: jeff hardy, jim ross, shelton benjamin, Takeshi Morishima, WWE Legends of WrestleMania