New SmackDown Announcer Pulled

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Reports have surfaced online saying the new ring announcer of SmackDown, Lauren Mayhew, was pulled from her ring announcing duties during last night’s SmackDown television taping in Boston. According to a correspondent’s report, she missed her cues during the dark match and was replaced by Justin Roberts for the rest of the taping.

“She was sort of scolded at ringside by WWE staff and then went backstage only to return some time later and sit at ringside the entire night,” the correspondent in attendance wrote. “Mayhew took notes all night long.”

Lupo Entertainment, which represents Mayhew, contacted a few wrestling news outlets to dispute the correspondent’s report saying she was pulled during the show. They explained she was simply scheduled to serve as the ring announcer for the dark match at the tapings and therefore not pulled during the show as a result. Essentially, this was a practice session for her to get her feet wet in her new role.



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