Yes I said it, Randy Orton is not as bad as everyone is making him out to be. OK I’ll admit his interaction with Jericho 2 weeks ago and this weeks dud with Rick Flair have been less than stellar promos, but it all has not been bad. Remember his last man standing match with Triple H was great. On top of that his program with John Cena in my opinion was a match made in heaven. Who would not want to see two of the biggest young stars of the WWE with some of the best egos/personalities go at it.
Less face it, this last program with Shawn Micheal’s was not all it should have been. This feud was based on revenge for Orton supposedly trying to end HBK’s career and all we got out of it was consecutive super kicks, whoopeee doooooo! If this feud was really based on revenge there should have been some type of first blood, no DQ or a least the old fashion steel cage grudge match. All we got out of it was a lame stip match last month. Sure Orton could have raised his game, but I saw this as really protecting HBK. Also this feud suffered from the developing Undertaker/Batista program, were they got to go at it in hell in the cell. To have two major stip matches on the same card is to risky, so Orton really didn’t get a chance to be in a high profile match, thus not getting the major push he should deserve.
Plus if we want to criticize Orton for his out of ring presence, Let’s not forget his counterpart on Smack Down. Yes people Batista could not get a room full of virgins excited at a hooker convention. His out of ring presence has given us such memorable moments as holding the belt up showing it to the Undertaker after Taker showed up in the ring and gave him his famous throat slash gesture. Or how about his failure to talk up challenging either Finaly or Mysterio when he was at ringside for their number one contender match, and so on and so on. But despite this dull demeanor out of the ring he gets huge pops ever time he comes out.
Give Orton time people, he still is young and is growing into a solid champ. It may not be his time now, but remember they criticized Triple H, Cena and Batista, but now all 3 of these men are huge fan favorites. I feel Orton would have been better served if they would have combined him with Umaga and take on DX in order to help save Vince from the antics of Triple H and HBK. That would have put him in a major program that would not have overshadowed Undertaker and Batista. Then they could have moved him onto his current entanglement with Jericho. Most importantly we need to be patient with him, yes move the belt off him now but do not take him out of the running yet. Mark my words, Orton will be a major player in the WWE for years to come.