Get A Free Gillette Fusion ProGlide Razor

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Last year, we partnered with Gillette to give away a number of Fusion ProGlide razors before they even hit store shelves. And now, we’re doing it once again – Only this time, it’s so you can take the ProGlide Challenge.

The ProGlide Challenge is the ultimate face-off between your current razor and the ProGlide.

Click on the widget below, punch in your info, and they’ll send you a free razor. Then you can see if the new “Snowplow Comfort Guard” that stretches your skin and plows away excess shave cream to keep the blade on your skin, “Microcomb” that guides whiskers into the blades, thinner blades for less tug and pull, Blade Stabilizer to keep the 5 blades at “optimal spacing for comfort,” and thicker, longer lasting lubricating strip, beat out whatever blade you’re currently using.

Gillette Fusion ProGlide : Sign-up to get a FREE PROGLIDE

Let Gillette know what you think about the Challenge – Share your thoughts on Twitter using #ProGlideChallenge or @Gillette, or leave a comment on their Facebook page.

Offer good while supplies last, so don’t delay!


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