Website States Eminem Training to be in the WWE

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Website (never heard of it) is reporting that rapper Eminem is training to be in the WWE. Here is the story on it. I personally don’t believe it.

February 15, 2008. This has to be the craziest thing that we’ve ever heard. spoke with a person inside Eminem’s camp who says that the platinum-rapper has signed on to join the World Wrestling Entertainment.

The insider, who is a well-known member of Eminem’s inner circle, agreed to give an exclusive interview. He explained, “Eminem’s in training right now, he’s taking private [wrestling] lessons and working on strength training … All those reports of him being fat are crazy. He’s 210 pounds of solid muscle.”

And the insider claims that Eminem is about 3 to 4 months away from making his debut. The tipster told, “He’s not doing this as a joke either, he’s really committed to being a wrestler. Wait and see, he’s going to be flipping [other wrestlers] and doing all that crazy [EXPLETIVE].”

Hey, we’re not doubting dude. Who woulda believed that he could have taken over the world of hip hop like he did…

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