What Time Will Y2J Debut Monday?

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For those of you that want to either TiVo RAW on Monday to see Chris Jericho make his debut, or if your more interested in Monday night Football and simply want to see him live, Pro Wrestling Torch is reporting the following about the time of his arrival:

“As many of you all know, the latest Save_Us video aired on Raw last night and practically outright said Chris Jericho was debuting next week. It said 6_DAYS, 23 HOURS, AND 33 MINUTES – which aired at 9:55 p.m., meaning he’s scheduled to show up 27 minutes short of a full 24 hours from that moment, which would mean 9:28 p.m. next Monday night.”

Meaning we’ll probably start the show with a promo coming off of Survivor Series, have a match, and then it’s on finally to Chris’ return to the ring for what is sure to be a memorable promo.


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