Cena Out, Mysterio In

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Tonight we got the news that one previously injured WWE superstar would be replacing a newly injured one with the news of Rey Mysterio taking John Cena’s place in the Championship Scramble at Unforgiven. While some may see this as somewhat tragic losing Raw’s biggest name, it may very well have saved the WWE some face. Since the move of Batista to Raw many have speculated he and Cena would meet at Mania. Before Summer slam neither the two have met and it would have been great to have their first meeting on the biggest stage of wrestling. But for whatever reason the program was rushed and Batista got the win. With Cena out for at least a few months this story can be fresh and should be able to be rekindled in time for the road to Wrestle Mania. Imagine the hype they can build by pitting these two against each other for the World Heavy Weight Title in the coming moths leading up to Mania. No offense to CM Punk, who is doing a great job as champ, there are no bigger names on Raw than Cena and Batista.

Speaking of Punk he and JBL had another decent match to open the program tonight. I know I have stated I really don’t see JBL as a legitimate title contender and wanted to see this program end, but tonight was another great match. JBL has really worked himself back into shape as you can tell he has slimmed down over the past few months. This has translated to better performances from him as his brawling style has matched well with Punk’s martial arts. Still this program will not last as Punk needs to tka on bigger competition to prove he is a true champion and not just one of transition. If he can bring the level of performance like he has against JBL he will show everyone he belongs. Here’s betting this kid will be a top contender for the championship fro years to come.

Batista and Kane met again to finish their business from last week considering Kane taking out Mysterio. For two big men this was also a good match. I have wanted to see Batista take on someone other than the Undertaker and look good to prove he belongs with the big boys and his matches against Cena and now Kane have done that. For all the critics of this guy you have nothing to stand on now and get use to him being one of the top dogs in the WWE. We all know Kane will give a solid match, but Batista tonight raised his game to sell it. Look for these two to keep on facing each other until Unforgiven as we had a DQ tonight and Kane will not get involved with Mysterio until after the pay per view, as that is most likely when Mysterio will be back in the ring.

HBK helped to fuel the fire with Jericho tonight by challenging him to a match to get revenge for all Jericho has done to him and his family. Jericho accepted via the WWE studios and the two will meet in a unsanctioned match at Unforgiven. Look for this to resemble a street fight match as both men will want to take the other out. Finally this program has gained the dimesion it has been lacking since it started shortly after Mania. Their last match was a blood bath and I look for it to be the same again.

Glamorella had its ups and downs tonight as Beth Phoenix tasted defeat and a broken nose at the hands of Kelly Kelly. The win did come about due to Santino’s distraction of Phoenix, but I really want to give credit to Kelly Kelly. For once she did not look out of place and held her own against a superior wrestler in Phoenix. She has been working very had to look good in the ring and it’s started to bear fruit. I will always give credit to the women who transform from being know for their looks into solid in ring performers. And Kelly Kelly making this transformation is awesome as it gives another legitimate face to the women’s division.

The other half of Glamorella found victory as Beth Phoenix quickly forgave Santino and helped him defeat Kofi Kingston in an Intercontinental championship match. There most likely will be another rematch at the pay per view, but it still will be good as both these guys work very well together. We all know about Kofi’s athletics and Santinos comedic antics help bring a little fun to the matches while he is more than an adept wrestler who can give some good performances.

Other action finally saw Rhodes and DiBiase take on Lawler and Hacksaw Duggan. The elder statesmen had beef with these cocky youngsters about a month ago and we finally saw a match with them. Not much to talk about in the match as it mostly featured Lawler against the champs. Of course the new guard won but not before a challenge from Cryme Tyme. The reason Cryme Tyme stole the belts last week was to get a championship match that Rhodes and DiBiase accepted for Unforgiven. This should be a good test for both sides as Cryme Tyme is looking to reestablish themselves on the roster while Rhodes and DiBiase are new to the circuit.

Attention, attention we have a Charlie Haas citing, or should I say Chalito. Haas took on Carlito’s little brother, Primo Colon, dressed as the Caribbean Cool One. The gimmick did not work as Colon would win and dazzle with some decent moves. As for Haas it should be awhile, if ever again, when we see him. When your regulated to dressing up as a wrestler who is in the doghouse with the WWE and lose to a new guy you know your days are numbered.


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